Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Minutes from the October 13th PTA Meeting

Bath Elementary PTA, 10/13/09 Meeting, Fisher Mitchell Library

Heidi Tucker, PTA President; Geniene Marco, Fisher-Mitchell (F/M) Vice President; Heidi Franklin, Dike-Newell (D/N) Vice President; Lori Harper, Treasurer

Karen Hawkes, Bath Bus Service; Carol McFadden, Patten Free Library; Judy Metcalf and Sandy Stenquist, Swim for Health, Swim for Life, Swim for Fun Committee

Heidi Tucker called the meeting to order at 5:27 p.m. Everyone in attendance briefly introduced themselves. Heidi talked about her vision and plans for the PTA this year. The year is off to a great start. Heidi also talked about the Mission Statement. She wants to combine everyone’s ideas for a statement on the FranklinCovey.com Mission Statement builder.

The minutes of the September 22, 2009 meeting were accepted.

Lori Harper presented the Treasurer’s Report. Expenses for the month were $229.00, income $488.00, leaving a balance of $4,625.84.

Lori also said the Meadowfarm fundraiser is looking very good. This is the PTA’s biggest fundraiser for the year.

Literacy Fund:
Candy Hernandez reported on the Literacy Fund. After several debits this month there is a balance of $4,167.99.

Heidi Tucker welcomed Karen Hawkes from the Bath Bus Service. Heidi reviewed some of the concerns that were discussed previously about behavior on the school buses. Karen said it can be very difficult to watch children while driving the bus. Drivers can see about five seats behind them, and hear only three seats back. Drivers have been working hard to make paper trails when kids consistently misbehave on the bus. After paperwork is completed, students can be removed from the bus, but alternate transportation needs to be provided for them. Karen talked about different methods drivers use to get kids’ attention on the bus. She prefers using a whistle, and has had good luck getting their attention with that. The idea of having a volunteer on the bus was discussed. This would involve three hours of volunteer time daily, per bus. Concerns about volunteers were discussed. Karen said it wouldn’t hurt to have a volunteer on buses, but it needs to be consistent. The group thanked Karen for coming to the meeting and tabled the discussion until possible volunteers can be researched.

Heidi updated everyone on the night at Rocky Ridge. It was a rainy night and there were not a lot of families in attendance. She reminded everyone of the upcoming Harvest Potluck and encouraged everyone to bring a carved pumpkin to the potluck to display behind the singer on stage. Heidi also reminded everyone that Sunrise Guides are available for sale with any of the PTA board members.

Heidi reminded everyone that winter is coming and we need to replenish supplies in the winter gear banks at both schools. Boots and snow pants are the biggest need. Donations of gently used winter gear can be brought to the Potluck or dropped off at schools anytime.

Candy talked about the Book Bank at D/N. She said they have a great supply of books and have serviced 80 to 90 kids in the past.

Fisher Mitchell will be having a book sale during Parent Teacher Conferences. Books will be sold for $.25 per book.

Candy also updated everyone on the Book Fair. The fair is planned for the week before Thanksgiving at both schools. The Bath Book Shop will be providing the books again this year. The Literacy Fund and PTA will each be donating $3.00 per child, so every kid can get one free book for up to $6.00. There will be a parent night at D/N only, with two authors coming to read from their books.

Carol McFadden talked about upcoming programming at the Patten Free Library. She encouraged everyone to take advantage of the library. They have many volunteers coming in, providing a lot of enrichment for the kids. The library is a good place to go for books and entertainment.

Amy Lent informed the group that the Pirate’s Party will be on October 25th at the Maine Maritime Museum and is being put on by Morse High School students. She also mentioned the tree lighting at the Library Park is on November 28th. Children will be able to make ornaments in the library to hang on the tree before Santa comes. A food drive will also be incorporated into the festivities. Amy said they are always looking for bakers for this event and anyone who has ideas for entertainment for the kids while they wait in City Hall for Santa.

Judy Metcalf presented a new program, Swim for Health, Swim for Life, Swim for Fun, to the group. This program will provide 3rd and 4th graders in all of RSU1 the opportunity to learn to swim as part of physical education. Only one out of five children in Maine knows how to swim. Swimming is a life long sport. This program will be a six-week unit as part of PE and will be taught by qualified Bath YMCA staff. The lessons will be once a week and PE teachers will be on deck with students. Lessons will range by need, stressing safety for beginners and including pool time for the more advanced swimmers. All children will learn not to panic if they fall/jump into water. The Committee is raising $22,000 for this program, which is $77 per student and includes transportation to the Y. This program can begin as soon as January if all of the funds are raised. The Swim for Health, Swim for Life, Swim for Fun Committee is pursuing grant money and requests have been sent to local businesses and community members. The Committee is requesting $1,000 from all RSU1 PTAs. Heidi thanked Judy for her presentation and answering our questions. The PTA will wait to consider the request until the fall fundraising is complete and we will have a better understanding of our budget for the rest of the year.

Sally Brown informed the group of a recent grant D/N received for snacks. Kids at D/N will be given the opportunity to try foods they might not necessarily try. She is looking for volunteers to help organize this.

Next Meeting is November 10th at the Dike Newell Library.


Minutes by Geniene Marco

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