Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Note from Kimberly Gates about the Holiday Fair

Hello All,  Wow this year is going fast!   It is that time of year when I am looking for ‘yard sale’ type items for our beautiful children of Bath to purchase as Christmas gifts for their families.    I am looking for things that would make appropriate gifts for Moms, Dads,  and Siblings.  There are over 500 children in grades K-5!  THAT MEANS WE NEED OVER 1000 ITEMS!    Each child is able to purchase a gift for members of their immediate family at a cost of 25 cents per item.   If they do not have the funds to purchase gifts, we supply them with as many quarters as they need.   Once they have completed all of their holiday shopping we have elves that wrap and tag all of their gifts.  IT IS AMAZING!  They take the items home and they are ready to be placed under the tree.
I don’t know how it happens, but year after year I am able to come up with several bags filled with items...WHERE DOES THIS STUFF COME FROM!  Do you have items that have been sitting in a drawer or stacked in a closet that you would like to donate?  There are several ways to get things to the fair.  The BEST WAY is to deliver them to Dike Newell School off of High Street.  There will be a LARGE box labeled “Holiday Fair” and donations may be placed in there.  If you are closer to Grace may drop items there as well, just mark them with my name.  Delyse at Fisher Mitchel will have a box outside her office for donations and you can also call me 443-5052 and I can pick them up. 
PLEASE...SPREAD THE WORD!  To see the look on a child's face when they are able to give their parents a gift THEY CHOSE IS PRICELESS.  I have done this for the past 6 years and I still have every gift Alex or Hannah have ever given me from the fair.

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