Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Incredible new opportunity for the kids of Dike Newell to get more fresh fruits and vegetables into their diets/day!!

If you see Ellen Beal, Food Service Director for RSU1, be sure to stop and thank her for the incredible work she has done to secure a $14,000 Fruits and Vegetables Grant for Dike Newell! Here's a bit of info. from Ellen on the grant:

The goal of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program is to increase children's consumption of fruits and vegetables by providing a fresh fruit and/or vegetable snack 3 days a week at school for free. This program is administered by USDA and State Child Nutrition Program...The FFVP is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service through State Child Nutrition Programs. Schools have to be more than 50% free and reduced to apply for these grants. This is a great opportunity for the children of Dike Newell School to have a morning snack of fresh great quality fruits and veggies served to them in an atmosphere of learning.

Now here's what you can do to help administer this wonderful program: Volunteer!! We need help preparing the fresh snacks on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons, 1:30-3 pm at the Dike Newell cafeteria. If you have time to donate, we have fruits and veggies to chop! Please email and we'll get you on the roster to help.

Do you have other ideas about other ways we can share these fruits and vegetables, beyond the 3 snack days? The grant is very generous and we have resources beyond the 3 days of snacks to get the food into the school. The veggies and fruits just need to be served raw, and cannot be dipped in anything or coated with anything. Just their yummy, natural-selves. Do you have a favorite specialty fruit or vegetable you want to share with your child's class and/or all the classes at the school? Just email Ellen with your idea and she can make it happen! Her email is

Thank you, Ellen!

1 comment:

  1. Food nutrition facts which are essential to know. Here I have created some concise flashcards, hope you find them useful.
