Thursday, November 12, 2009

What a terrific meeting we had on Nov. 10th at DN. Thanks to Mikaela Rios for preparing thes notes, and please comment on the topics discussed!

Bath Elementary PTA
11/10/09 Meeting
Dike Newell Library

Heidi Tucker, PTA President; Geniene Marco, Fisher-Mitchell (F/M) Vice President; Heidi Franklin, Dike-Newell (D/N) Vice President; Lori Harper, Treasurer; Lisha Wentworth, Assistant Treasurer; Mikaela Rios, Secretary

Heidi Tucker began the meeting at 6:30pm. She encouraged people to visit the PTA blog at Heidi and Michael Tucker will look into how to notify via email when the blog is updated. Heidi would like to see more comments on the blog.

The minutes of the October 13, 2009 meeting were approved as-is. The minutes are always posted on the blog. Mikaela encouraged everyone to sign in their attendance at the meeting and give an email address.

Lori Harper presented the Treasurer’s Report. Expenses for the month were $443.25, income $14,436.56, leaving a balance of $18,900.65. However, we will need to pay Meadow Farm about $8,000 for their portion of the fundraiser profit.

Lisha Wentworth was introduced. Lisha will be assisting with the Treasurer’s duties until Lori is ready to turn them over completely.

Literacy Fund:
Candy Hernandez reported on the Literacy Fund. There is a balance of $3,519.59.

Meadow Farm Fundraiser:
We owe them about $8,000, which makes our profit close to $7,000. Delivery dates of products reaching Lori are December 3rd thru 7th. She will disperse them to the classrooms immediately. An update will be in this week’s newsletters.

Sunrise Guide:
Selling is going slower this year. We’ve sold 18 so far and we must sell 26. The cost is $20 and includes 2009 and 2010 books. The deadline has been extended to November 23rd. We will continue to sell them at large gatherings and individually.

OLD BUSINESS, continued:
Bus Behavior Issue:
Pricipal Sally Brown will update us at the December meeting, as to the outcome of an upcoming meeting with the Superintendant and Administrators regarding this issue. PTA would like to pay for whistles for the bus drivers. Sally mentioned developing a bus safety assembly. Claire Berkowitz will get information about the AAA Patrol Program where 5th graders “patrol” the bus. Sally and the PTA would like the information. Heidi will add to the blog an entry regarding contacting your Principal with any bus issues.

Annual Holiday Fair:
Kimberly Gates updated us on this year’s Holiday Fair, which will be December 21st and 22nd. Monday will be Fisher-Mitchell’s shopping day and Tuesday will be fore Dike-Newell. Kimberly needs help with setup on Sunday 12/20/09 at noon. She also needs items to be donated. Likewise, 30 – 40 volunteers will be needed on each day. She’ll be sending home a flyer regarding this. Samantha Adams volunteered to provide music for the event. Heidi T. will procure three reams each of red and green copy paper for Kimberly. Heidi T. will email teachers, requesting that if they go to Ruth’s place, they get extra scissors, tape, and wrapping paper.
VOTE: Approved a total of $250 to cover the bus gas, and food for volunteers, etc.
DECIDED: One family from each school will be assisted and receive gifts with about $500 of the profit. $150 will go to the Bath Food Bank. The rest will go to the Principals of each school for their discretionary fund.
DECIDED: PTA will front the $500 to Kimberly on 12/21/09 because full profits from the fair won’t be collected yet.

Downtown Business Basket Raffle:
Mikaela spoke about the fundraising event. A list of businesses donating to the event will be on the blog and Heidi T. will add to the newsletter each week. Samantha Adams will ask Marnee’s cookies to participate.
VOTE: $250 approved for this fundraiser

Fruit & Veggie Grant:
Ellen Beale, food service director for Dike-Newell, applied for and received a grant for $14,000, which will provide fresh fruits and vegetables to students during snack time on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the entire year. We need volunteers to help with food preparation on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 – 3:00pm. If you can volunteer, please contact Heidi T. If parents want to come into a classroom to share a fruit presentation, let Ellen know. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Heidi T. would like to see if volunteers can pass out fruit or veggies to students as they get on the bus, with the instructions to not eat it on the bus.

New PTA Budget:
The PTA Board worked out a new budget. Heidi T. will email teachers with an explanation of the funds available to them. Basically, it’s $500 per grade and there is money for “specials.” The teachers will know the money is available and they can work with their team to decide how to spend it, and then request it from the PTA.
VOTE: Approved new budget, and board will oversee it and approve requests that occur between meetings.

Kindergarten Request:
VOTE: Approved Kindergarten team request for $402 for Chewonki presentation.
VOTE: Approved $160 for Kindergarten team to host a visiting Author. The $62 over the Kindergarten allotment will come from PTA’s discretionary fund.

Candy Hernandez suggested an application request form for funds. Lisha will make a form and keep a file of the requests.

Box Top Program:
Geniene Marco reported that for a one year period (Oct. 08 – Oct. 09), Dike-Newell collected $355 worth of box tops. Fisher-Mitchell (which hadn’t been turned in for over a year) totaled $312. The money goes to each Principal for a discretionary fund to benefit the children. Geniene will be sending information to add to the blog and newsletters regarding an online program called in which up to 6% of online purchases goes to your school.

Food Drive:
Lisha Wentworth spoke of the Fisher-Mitchell Food Drive. It will run from November 16th through the 20th. It benefits the Bath Area Food Bank. Last year, over 1,000 cans were collected.
VOTE: Approved $50 PTA donation to be used as an incentive program.

Book Fair:
Candy Hernandez mentioned that the Book Fair is at Dike-Newell next week and Fisher-Mitchell the following week. There will also be a family night featuring two local authors.

Principal’s Comments and Public Comments:
Sally Brown thanked everyone for their support in volunteering for the free snack grant program.
Also, SAG positions are still open if anyone is interested.

The meeting ended around 7:45pm.

Next Meeting is December 8th at the Fisher-Mitchell Library.


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