Bath Elementary PTA
4/14/10 MeetingMeeting held at the Fisher Mitchell Library
Heidi Tucker, President; Heidi Franklin, Dike-Newell (D/N); Lori Harper, Treasurer; Mikaela Rios, Secretary.
Heidi Tucker began the meeting at 6:30pm.
The minutes of the March 9, 2010 meeting were approved as-is. The minutes are always posted on the blog.
We currently have $10,396.66 in the account. $3000 of that is earmarked for the summer camp scholarships (Davenport gift). This month, we took in $3738.42. The Star Raffle profit was $623.
Literacy Fund:
The Read-A-Thon raised over $4200. The current balance of the fund is $6323.84.
Summer Camp Scholarships:
Heidi Tucker updated us that the Davenport Fund has given us $3,000 for camp scholarships. Gretchen Brinkley and Suzanne Paule will work with Heidi in the selection process, which will include help from teachers in selecting candidates. Heidi will be sending an email to teachers explaining the process and what is needed from them. May 5th will likely be the deadline for student names from teachers, which will allow parents two weeks to fill out the scholarship forms. If there are still scholarships available after this first round of students, we will then go to a second tier or open it up to all students. Suzanne Paule mentioned that transportation might be an issue for some families, so we should keep this in mind and try to figure out a solution. Suzanne wondered if “Help a Kid” funds would be available, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. A suggestion was made that ride sharing would be an option, as long as the PTA had no liability. It was suggested we could address transportation on an individual camper basis.
TV Awareness Week:
Catherine Buotte emailed an update, which Heidi T. read. TV Awareness Week is April 26-30. The following people volunteered to help:
Monday: Claire Berkowitz, Bingo
Tuesday: PTA, felting soap
Wednesday: Anne Dunham, science
Thursday: Jason Carter, Physical Education
Art Raffle and Chowder Dinner:
Mikaela Rios briefly updated the group that it was a success and the PTA profited $623.
Coin Drive:
Mikaela Rios updated everyone that the money would be collected on Friday. An email will be sent on Thursday to remind parents that Friday is the last day. The class that raised the most money at each school would get their picture taken for the bulletin board, receive mention in the newsletter, and earn an extra recess.
Book Shelf for D/N:
Sally Brown updated everyone that a book shelf has been needed since September for a resource room. Right now, books that teachers need for students in various reading levels are in boxes in the room and they’re very hard to access. Ruth’s warehouse and Huse are not able to provide any bookshelves, so Dave Richardson and Russ have volunteered to do the labor of building the bookshelves. Sally will call Chuck Frohmiller, who is willing to help with supplies, if possible. In case Mr. Frohmiller can’t provide the supplies, the PTA was asked to fund the project.
VOTE: Up to $300 approved for shelves and supplies, if needed.
Social Workers update / Bullying:
Suzanne Paule informed us of the protocol that was developed several years ago to deal with academic or behavioral issues, including bullying. The State of Maine is offering a free RTI (Response to Intervention) for Behaviors continuing training for teams from elementary schools. Every elementary school in RSU1, except Fisher Mitchell, is participating. The consensus at the meeting was that Fisher Mitchell should definitely send a team, given the bullying and behavior issues at the school. The PTA will email the appropriate people to restate our concerns on these issues and to encourage Fisher Mitchell to send a team.
PTA Officer Nominations:
Heidi Tucker explained the dire situation the PTA is in due to a lack of interest in people serving on the PTA board next year. As it stands, there are two or three open board positions that must be filled or the PTA will cease to exist. We must have a full board in order to be legitimate as a 501(c)(3) entity. A question was asked regarding if teachers were allowed to serve on the board and Candy Hernandez said they were, but that a parent should be president. Heidi T. will be emailing teachers to request names of parents who might be interested. Sally Brown will contact the Times Record to see if an article can be written about all of the things the PTA funds and asking parents to be involved.
5Th Grade Field Trip:
Suzanna Lynch and Brent Luchies updated us on the 5th grade field trip, which will be educational and fun. On May 20th, 80 students and 20 adults will take 2 busses to Osher Map Library, which fits with the colonial history curriculum. While half of the group is touring the library, the other half will be team building and discussing preparing for 6th grade. They’ll then go to Deering Oaks for a picnic lunch, followed by a noon Sea Dogs baseball game. They’d like to use their $500 earmarked money and request $732 more to pay for the entire field trip.
VOTE: $500 plus and additional $732 approved for the 5th grade field trip.
4th Grade Field Trip:
Proceeding as planned.
1st Grade Field Trip:
Catherine Buotte emailed and Heidi T. reported that the 1st grade requires $932 total for their field trips to Chewonki, Beaver Pond, and Thorne’s Head, including busses. They haven’t used their $500 earmark funds yet.
VOTE: $500 plus additional $432 approved for the 1st grade field trip.
Sally Brown commended Candy Hernandez on a great job with the Read-A-Thon. She reported that Dike Newell is happy to send a leadership team to the RTI training. She also thanked all who attended and spoke at the budget meeting last night. She mentioned the article in the Times Record about Sue Michaud and Wendy Ulmer’s project of getting community members to come talk to kids about how they use reading in their work and daily lives.
Susan Cyr thanked the PTA for buying the fabric and supplies for the Kindergarten Concert costumes. She showed the costumes and mentioned they’ll be used for years to come.
Candy Hernandez thanked the people who spoke at the budget meeting last night.
Madame James gave a report on the language program cuts and possible solutions. PTA board members mentioned wanting to get behind this quest for solutions other than cutting language for the elementary children.
Next Meeting is May 11, 2010 at the Dike Newell Library.