Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 10, 2012 PTA Meeting Minutes

            President Geniene Marco called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.  There were 10 members present.  Both the secretary and treasurer’s reports were presented and approved.
            Candy Hernandez discussed the Read-a-Thon.  Participants in both schools read for over 1400 hours and about $2500 was raised.  Next year’s Read-a-Thon will be held in the fall to lessen competition with other fund-raisers and reading promotions.
            Catherine Buotte spoke about the plans for Screen Free Week, April 30th- May 4th.  The evening events are as follows:  Monday Bingo Night, Tuesday Science/ PE, Wednesday Maine Maritime Museum, Thursday Science/PE, and Friday YMCA. 
            The annual Fifth Grade Dance will be held at BMS on June 1st.  Wendy Jung stated that T-shirts will be designed and ordered for all of the RSU 1 fifth graders. There will be a DJ and food at the dance.
            New business included the upcoming election of PTA Board officers, Teacher Appreciation Day which will be on Friday, May 11th,  the  Davenport Foundation donation of 70 tickets to the August 20th MSMT production of Sleeping Beauty, and the RSU 1 budget deliberations.
            The meeting adjourned at 7:50.  The next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 8th at Dike-Newell School in the library.

March 13, 2012 PTA Meeting Minutes

President Geniene Marco welcomed everyone to the meeting.  There were 10 people in attendance.  The Secretary’s report was approved.  The Treasurer’s report approval is pending due to Kate’s absence.
                Old business included discussion of the recent dance in February.  It was deemed a success and people offered suggestions to make the next dance even better.  The environment needs to be cooler, have better bathroom access, and a concession area with more space.  Ideas were exchanged to make these improvements for the next dance.  The second Box Tops Challenge is under way with the prize being a trip to the Maine Maritime Museum for a 90-minute presentation for the lucky classroom winners at each school.
                New business included the scheduling of the Fifth Grade Dance at the BMS cafeteria on Friday, June 1st from 7:00- 8:30 PM.  There will be a DJ and free t-shirts for the kids.  All RSU 1 fifth graders will be invited to attend.  Wendy Jung offered to shop for the new camera needed at F/M School.  The PTA voted to fund the camera up to $200.  Screen Free Week will be April 30th- May 4th to lead into the May Fair weekend events in Bath.  Sarah Bingham asked that some of the activities include RSU 1 students and families outside of Bath.  It was suggested that the Maine Maritime Museum night and a Friday night at the YMCA could include students/families in Bath and the rest of RSU 1.  Other evening activities for Bath kids will be a Bingo Night, Science Night, and Fitness Evening.          
                Susan Cyr thanked the PTA for its concert purchases which helped make the kindergarten concert such a rousing success.  Nancy Harriman brought a giant thank you poster from F/M students for the PTA support of the recent One Book One School project.  Sally thanked Susan Cyr for the excellent concert and the entire D/N staff for its commitment to literacy in our school.
                Sarah Bingham informed the PTA about a $3,000 grant to improve the F/M playground area and encourage healthy eating for students.  Holly and Christine shared an idea they have to provide incoming kindergarten parents at D/N with information they’ll need.  They discussed asking the kindergarten teachers to list 10 things they’d like all parents to know.  Sally supported the idea and will meet with Holly and Christine for planning.
                The meeting concluded at 7:35 PM.  The next meeting will be at F/M School in the library on Tuesday, April 10th beginning at 6:30 PM.

Mobil Food Truck Dates

The Bath Elementary PTA would like to share important information provided by Bath's Mobile Food Truck

Below are delivery dates through the end of October, 2012.

Note: Each truck is the last Tuesday of the month. 
Tuesday, April 24th
Tuesday, May 29th
Tuesday, June 26th
Tuesday, July 31st
Tuesday, August 28th
Tuesday, September 25th
Tuesday, October 30th


TIME: 2:00-4:00 

LOCATION: Grace Episcopal Church 1100 Washington St: Go north on Washington three blocks past the 4-way stop at North St. Just after you pass the church turn left on Edwards St, which leads to the parking lot. The Food Truck will be in this parking lot. There will be plenty of room to park in our parking lot. THERE ARE NO QUESTIONS ASKED. If you need food you are welcome to come. Please bring something to put your groceries in…IT WOULD REALLY HELP.  

Join us in the church after 1:30 for a warm beverage and a snack while you wait.