President Kate Foye opened the meeting at 6:30 PM. There were 10 members in attendance. Kate thanked all of the attendees and provided some delicious apple crisp! Both the secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and approved.
Old business included discussion of the upcoming Charleston Wrap fund-raiser. Kate reported that the catalogs arrived at F/M. Eileen Beasley will transport some to D/N. All catalogs will be distributed to students for families. Kate is hoping that October 17th will be the due date for orders and the goods
should arrive about one month after. The Halloween Dance preparations are underway with many parents volunteering both time and food/drink. There will be prizes from Dot’s, Bath Book Shop, Island Toys, and the Sweet Shoppe for funniest, scariest, cutest, and most original costumes. Soggy Dog photo booth will be at the dance for pictures. Geniene reported that the Box Top Challenge is off and running at both schools. D/N staff has decided to compete by grade levels this year.
New business included a discussion of the RSU 1 school renovation bond. Kate hopes that parents will support the bond in order to provide needed repairs to Bath schools. The annual Holiday Fair will be held at D/N on December 9th & 10th this year. Kim Gates continues as chairperson of this event. She’s looking for a successor now that her daughter will be leaving elementary school this year. Kate reported that she needs volunteers for the dance but is pleased with the support of all present. Geniene presented a request from the Wellness Committee at D/N to have healthy snacks available for teachers at the parent conference evenings in November. Kate will be investigating possible donations from the Sandwich Shop or Subway. Sarah offered to update the PTA blog and agreed to post the meeting minutes there as well- thank you Sarah!
Kate closed the meeting at 7:15PM.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 12th at Dike-Newell School beginning at 6:30 PM. Hope to see you there!