Sunday, January 19, 2014

PTA Minutes - January 2014

Kate Foye opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.  There were 9 people in attendance.  Both the secretary and treasurer’s reports were accepted.

  Old Business:

  • There was a discussion of the Charleston Wrap fund-raiser.  Kate felt that the company appeared disorganized this year and not as easy to deal with as in the past.  Perhaps another company should be used for next year’s fall fund-raiser.

  • Joan Newkirk presented an update on the One Book One School project at F/M.  The event will be held on Wednesday and Thursday 1/29 and 1/30.  Ben Bishop, the illustrator for the graphic novel, Lost Trail, Nine Days Alone in the Wilderness, will be the special guest this year. 

New Business:

  • The Box Top challenge is underway at both schools.
  • There will be a Spring Fling Sock Hop dance at F/M on Friday, March 21st from 6:30- 8:00 PM.  There will be baskets available for raffles from grade levels as well as local business donors.  It was suggested that one parent per grade level help coordinate baskets with teachers.  Admission will be $3.00 per person or $10.00 per family.  Refreshments and a photo booth will be available as well.
  • In April there will be two fund-raisers:  the chocolate sale from Bath Sweet Shoppe and the Tupperware sale.  Dot’s Ice Cream will hold a “scoop” night, probably in early March, for both schools.

  • Ashley London requested PTA funding for the annual Chewonki Owl Presentation to kindergartners at the end of January.  The PTA issued the kindergarten team a check for $422 to cover the cost.

  • Candy Hernandez asked if the money allocated for books which was not used for the Dike Newell Family Fun Night could be used instead for Dr. Seuss’s birthday week celebration at the beginning of March.  The PTA approved and asked her to look into obtaining Seuss books to be distributed to D/N students. 

The meeting ended at 7:45 PM.  The next meeting will be at Fisher Mitchell School on Tuesday, February 11th.