Friday, May 16, 2014

PTA Minutes- May 2014

Wendy Jung conducted the meeting in Kate Foye's absence.  There were six members in attendance. Both the Secretary and Treasurer's reports were presented and accepted.
Old Business:

  • The Screen-Free week was deemed successful although attendance on some nights appeared scarce.  Suggestions for next year's science night included more hands-on activities like past ones such as volcanoes and goo making!

  • The Teacher Appreciation breakfasts were held at both buildings and good food was had by all.

  • The Tupperware fund-raiser is complete and orders should be here next week.

  • Mary Sreden will be contacting Wendy re:  Scoop Night at Dot's by the end of May.

  • The status of the fifth grade T-shirts is in flux.  Mark is in charge.

  • Jess Irish contacted Hawkes Flower Shop re:  selling carnations after the second grade concert.  Hawkes will sell carnations for 90 cents each to the PTA who will then re-sell them for $2.00 each.  There will be a notice in the next school newsletter for parents.

  • There was discussion of the upcoming grade 5 trip to Boston re:  funding and the PTA's obligation.  The fifth grade team will be contacted for further information.

New Business:

  • The slate of officer nominations for next year is as follows:

Wendy Jung, President
Eileen Beasley, Vice-President
Holly Spence, Vice-President
Cheryl Steenstra, Treasurer
Jess Irish, Secretary

  • Wendy will inquire about the step-up day BBQ/ picnic at F/M for incoming second graders.

  • The PTA approved a request from Monica Blatt, Title I teacher at F/M, for funding.  A donation of $100 will be made.

  • It looks like next year's fall fund-raiser group will be Meadow Farm as it features local vendors.

The meeting adjourned at 8 PM.  Next month's meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 10th at F/M beginning at 6:30 PM.