Tuesday, June 24, 2014

PTA Minutes - June 2014

President Kate Foye called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.  There were 10 members in attendance.  Both the Secretary and Treasurer’s reports were approved.

Old Business:

Geniene Marco discussed the purchase of gift certificates from Main Street Bath for retiring teachers.  Both school secretaries were also given gift certificates of appreciation for all they do to assist the PTA.

Davenport Fund has donated 80 tickets for elementary students to attend the August 18th performance of the Little Mermaid at the Maine State Music Theatre.  There is currently a waiting list because of so much community interest in attending the production.

The PTA sponsors box top collections at both elementary schools.  There is some question regarding how the box top funds are used at each school.  The PTA will inquire about how these funds are being used.

Geniene Marco will investigate a grade 4 request for funding of a bus trip.

The RSU 1 PTA’s have sponsored a fifth grade dance each spring.  It appeared that this year’s dance was a success although communication among the sending schools could be improved in the future.

New Business:

The following slate of officers were unanimously elected for the 2014-2015 school year:

President:  Wendy Jung
Vice Presidents:  Holly Spence and Eileen Beasley
Secretary:  Jess Irish
Treasurer:  Cheryl Steenstra
Chief Information Officer/Blog:  Sarah Matzke

The next meeting will be held on the second Tuesday in September. Have a wonderful summer.

Respectfully submitted,

Candy Hernandez, Secretary